
Piktronik d.o.o. has successfully obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification of its Quality Management System for the development, production and sale of electric and electronic systems.


KOP - battery protection device

  • protects the batteries
  • supervises the charger functions
  • offers key values monitoring
  • performs voltage check of the board battery
  • detects battery charge


  • Protects the batteries against deep discharge and provides with signalization when the worst battery in the battery pack becomes too discharged
  • Disables the motor drive while charging
  • Supervises the functon of the chargers and monitors the charging and discharging procedure
  • Offers battery charge unbalance detection
  • Performs voltage check of the board battery
  • 6 serial inputs for connection of BPROT-90T4 or KOP chargers with KOP-PROT output
  • When connected to a PC, device offers monitoring of the key values of each battery pack, using data obtained form the chargers


  • BPROT-90T4 Battery block voltage and temperature measurement device